Credit terms

In case of buying smartphone over 30,000 AMD the credit will be established through "ACBA BANK", "UNIBANK", "INECOBANK" and "VTB-Armenia Bank"(online credit). Here you can learn more about credit terms.

  ACBA BANK UNIBANK INECOBANK VTB-Armenia Bank (online credit)
Age 20-65 21-65 21-70 18-70
Yearly interest rate 21.6%




Monthly clearing comission 0% 0,99% 0% 0%-1%
Length of credit (months) 3-36 Only 36 3-48 3-36
Maximum amount of credit 3,500,000 AMD 1,500,000 AMD 5,000,000 AMD 1,000,000 AMD
Minimum amount of credit 30,000 AMD 30,000 AMD 30,000 AMD 30,000 AMD
Required documents Passport or ID-card and social card Passport or ID-card and social card Passport or ID-card and social card Passport or ID-card and social card
Actual registration Yes Yes Yes Yes
NKR registration Yes, in the case of the original certificate of actual residence in the Republic of Armenia Yes Yes Yes, if lives and works in the Republic of Armenia
Amount of smartphones per customer 2 2 2 2
Second sale to the same customer No more than 2 No more than 2 2 smartphones can be issued if the total amount does not exceed 300,000 AMD One smartphone worth up to AMD 100,000 and one smartphone worth over AMD 100,001 can be purchased.
Registered employee Not required Not required Not required Required
If the subscriber does not know how to write in Armenian and fills out the form by hand in another language, is there a loan? Not acceptable Acceptable after approval from translator Acceptable if written in Russian/English language Not acceptable
Actual loan interest rate 23,80% - 23,95%
Credit instrument
    0%0%0.99%+                                           0%0%0.99%                                   
Actual loan interest rate
From 20.7 to 23.94% 0% - 24%
Credit web page
Bank website address
Bank contact information (37410) 31-88-88

(37410) 59-22-59; 59 55 55

(37410) 51-05-10

(374 8000) 87-87,

Note ACBA bank is controlled by CBA

UNIBANK is controlled by CBA

INECOBANK is controlled by CBA

VTB-Armenia bank is controlled by CBA